Doctoral Consortium and Travel Assistance
The poster session for Doctoral Consortium participants (and others) will be held on Monday, June 28, during 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Call for Participation: plain text
The Doctoral Consortium is being organized as part of the conference in order to encourage participation by and provide partial travel funding for eligible graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and junior researchers, including junior faculty, who apply for funding through the doctoral consortium. The Doctoral Consortium will feature a session in which accepted graduate students and post docs participate as presenters, while junior researchers participate as mentors and observers.
Important Dates
Application deadline | May 31, 2010 |
Notification of acceptance | June 15, 2010 |
How to Apply
Those interested in participating should provide:
- a cover letter explaining why they want to attend,
- a statement of financial need, and
- an extended abstract of 2 pages maximum, in .pdf format, summarizing their relevant research.
Cover letters, need statements and extended abstracts should be emailed with the subject line "CompSust10 DC Application" to
Selection Criteria
Submissions will be selected based on novelty and technical merit, relevance to conference goals and topics, research and geographic diversity, and financial need. For students, preference will be given to those far enough along to have formulated their dissertation topic.
The expectation is that these funds are for the support of participants from U.S. institutions. In exceptional cases, we will consider support for foreign participants as well; however, we will limit this number to no more than three participants. In addition, we will rigorously maintain the requirement that air travel will only be reimbursed if the participant uses a U.S. air carrier.
Contact Information
If you have questions, please contact the Doctoral Consortium Chair, Ashish Sabharwal, either at or directly at sabhar at c s dot cor nell dot edu.
Thanks to the Institute for Computational Sustainability, the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the MIT Energy Initiative, the National Science Foundation, and Sandia National Laboratories for sponsoring CompSust'10.