Participation in CompSust'10
Call for Papers: PDF
Those interested in participating should provide 1) a cover letter explaining why they want to attend, and 2) a 1 to 2 page abstract in .pdf format, summarizing their relevant research. Cover letters and abstracts should be emailed with the subject line "CompuSust10 Participation Application" to The conference will include posters and talks. Submissions will be selected and evaluated based on relevance to the conference goals and topics, quality and maturity of the work , and overall balance across topics. All accepted participants will be able to present a poster.
Please also refer to the information on Doctoral Consortium and Travel Assistance.
Thanks to the Institute for Computational Sustainability, the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the MIT Energy Initiative, the National Science Foundation, and Sandia National Laboratories for sponsoring CompSust'10.