CompSust09: 1st International Conference on Computational Sustainability
Blog of Communications of ACM (CACM) by K. Frenkel: First blog. Other blogs (K. Frenkel) (June8-June11).
Video recordings of conference sessions are now available by clicking on the title of the talk on the schedule page.
June 8-11, 2009 at The Statler Hotel and J. Willard Marriott Executive Education Center
The conference focuses on computational methods for balancing environmental, economic, and societal needs for a sustainable future. The program includes talks, discussion and poster sessions, and a workshop on Managing Uncertainty for Sustainable Resource Use. Participants include representatives from national & international research institutions and government agencies.
If you are interested in presenting your research, please email a 150 word abstract to: with the subject line "Abstract Submission: CompSust09" by 5/15/09
Thanks to The Institute for Computational Sustainability, Center for a Sustainable Future and the National Science Foundation for sponsoring CompSust09.